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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Guess who's back?!

Sister-less Traveling Pants,

Flight  - UA 1120

6:58 am

Well 3000 feet in the air and coming to you live from the first class Cabin! ( it pays to know people ;) ) Sitting here enjoying my free coffee and delicious breakfast I cannot wait to get out of the cold weather! It was – 18 and snowing when I left Calgary! So you can imagine that I was glad to get out of there. The captain told us it will be +18 in Houston.. That is quite the opposite.  Well I shall check in from the next Flight! I have 2 hours to kill when I arrive in Houston. 

Calgary this morning -18!

  Flight CO 4978

ETD: 2:58
Actual: 3: 20


Well we finally took off on possibly on the smallest commercial plane ever. After stumbling to my seat dropping a dirty Kleenex on some poor women, not having my carry on fit in the overhead and had to have it checked under the plane, I finally got in my seat. We were informed we were waiting for a maintenance man and his tools to be transported to Dallas after an order was sent from headquarters. After about 30 minutes the pilot got up went outside and told us we were leaving because headquarters decided it was taking to long! What a waste! At least the flight was short!  Christen will be waiting for me at the gate! I hope she doesn’t leave due to the delay! :s

Houston! A wee bit warmer              
Ahh Dallas Home sweet Home.. Kind of.

Dorm 21 G

8:00 pm

Cedar Hill

Well I am finally in my room!  A long day! Classes and Golf tomorrow, It is so nice to see everyone. The gang is all here, I have gotten all my stuff organized for tomorrow and hopefully it all goes smoothly. I will let you know how classes go!

See you all later!


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