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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Greetings from up North!

Hello I never thought this day would come but I am heading back to campus on Sunday! I am mostly excited to start up the golf season again and see my friends. The Best part of the break is seeing all of your friends back home and your family. The worst part is not being able to see all the friends from school. You gain so much from those friends here at school, you are with them all the time and not seeing them for a month is really hard. The weather here has dropped :( It is in the negative degrees now. I am doing some temporary office jobs for the last three business days I am home. I should have known now that I take the bus downtown the weather would drop!! I feel like this break has gone by so slow, except this last week is going by too fast! I still need to pack and get some last minute shopping in!

Winter Finally here! First snow I have seen since last Christmas!

Of Course!! First day taking the bus Downtown!!
I will say I am  Excited to get back and start up the semester! I hope everone had a great Christmas, well relaxed and well Deserved! I hope to see you all on Campus soon!


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