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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Bonjour from Canada....

Hello Everyone! I am sorry it has taken me so long to write back, it has been a busy time here in Canada! Surprisingly warm weather too! Normally it is below 0 degrees Celsius (32 F) however it is + 15 Degrees!! (60 F) that is really warm. So much for ice skating and tobogganing. It has not been a total waste though, I have made it too the outdoor range for some practice time. However it has been incredibly windy! There are grass fires due to the warm dry weather and windy conditions. I hope everyone enjoyed there Christmas, I have had a chance to see most of my family its a nice break. However I will be happy to get back to campus seeing as there is not a whole lot to do up here.
Since I have been home I have been able to Catch up with some of my friends.
My Friend Shannon and I made a trip to IKEA... One small Car and Big Purchase later...

I caught up with my old roommate Sarah. We lived in China together.

Some of my oldest and dearest Friends Jessica and Tera.

Canada takes home the Bronze.

 OH! I almost forgot, this year the World Juniors championship which is a Boxing day - New year Tradition was held in my home town. After a loss to the Russians in the semi finals Canada redeemed themselves to take home the Bronze. Nothing like a little hockey on your holiday.

Its nice to be home to spend some time away from school, I will be glad to see everyone and start up the semester! Hope you all had a wonderful break, A Merry Christmas and a Happy New year! Talk to you soon!!


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