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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Friendship Thrives

Friendship thrives here at Northwood University. One of the many things I love about Northwood, especially here at the Texas campus, is that we are such a close knit community. Since this fall we have all formed friendships and we have all become like second families to each other. I for one, am absolutely positive that I could not have made it through this past weekend without the help of all my wonderful friends on campus. I definitely learned the meaning of TRUE friendship last weekend and I am so grateful to know that my friends here love me and would take care of me as well as any of my family and friends back home. It kind of brings a sense of security (sounds cheesy to say) but at the beginning of the year I felt so homesick and kind of scared to be on my own for the first time. There were so many adult things that I was going to have to handle by myself for the first time, but last weekend when I thought I was going to have to go through a TREMENDOUS struggle all by myself my friends really showed me that nobody is ever really alone. a HUGE THANK YOU to all my Northwood buds. only in a place like this does a person meet  friends as great as you guys and I am completely confident that any prospective students would definitely find long lasting and dependable friendships.

So a few things about this weekend, we had a great time at this AWESOME little sushi place in Arlington called, Sushi Yaa. That's Christen and I, she is a fellow Student Blogger and my boss at the Admissions office-How many of your bosses would go out for sushi with you. Anyway the food there was amazing and after I had a little refresher course from another fellow Blogger, Nicola Jeffries, on how to use my chopsticks I was ready to go! Can you believe the entire buffet was only $10.00!!
So here is a picture of Nicola and I getting ready to go to a little house warming soiree for some friends that recently moved off campus. Don't let this discourage you they were perfectly happy with the dorms and campus life they just wanted to try to spread their wings a little and take on some extra responsibility (sounds crazy right)!
Well as you can see our weekend was pretty crazy and fun filled, but now it's time to get back to the books and focus on academics for this week. I got one Algebra assignment and two Economic assignments due tomorrow and a Marketing presentation on Thursday. Ugh the life of a college student is never boring haha!


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