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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Are you Pinterested?

My latest obsession is Pinterest! I know this is definitely a new favorite trend among girls (and some guys) to put things on virtual bulletin boards. For those of you who have not heard of this before, it is really cool. You set up bulletin boards and you have pictures to links or things you like on these pins on your boards. For example: I have a board called "Things to cook/bake." On this board I have several different pictures of yummy looking food items. If you click on the pictures they all contain links to the recipes. It is a really nifty way to organize some of your favorite things or favorite websites.

There are also a bunch of pins that link you to people's favorite blogs. I have some favorite blogs to share in an upcoming post. Pinterest also contains things that could be beneficial to companies by having people repin their products. I personally find myself killing hours on pinterest. I am addicted to say the least.

If you haven't heard of pinterest GO CHECK IT OUT! Here's a link to mine Christen's Pinterest! Happy Pinning!


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