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Kelly Machado

What's Up Y'all..

My name is Kelly and I am from the big and amazing country in South America, BRAZIL.
I had a long way before getting to Northwood but I definitely like it here. This whole American life has been very different from the life I grew up in but it is very neat. The reason that I came to U.S and Northwood was to Play Soccer and Study Business.
I play as an Outside Defender or Outside Mid, or wherever my coach wants me to play. I want to major in International Business.
 This is my first year at Northwood and I am a Jr.
I have been to a lot of different places such as Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Paraguay, Mexico, and all around TeXaS, California, Florida and Michigan.
Here in Northwood you get to meet a lot of people from all around the world, and that to me is the best part because you get to learn a lot of different stuff with them. Northwood is a great place to sudy in and I love it here. Along this blog, I hope I can show y'all a little bit more about how things really are up here.

See y'all later..

"You Don't Become What You Want, You Become What You Believe"