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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Did you know...

Texas is one great state and here are just a few reason why it is so amazing.

Texas is the only state to have the flags of 6 different nations fly over it. They are: Spain, France, Mexico, Republic of Texas, Confederate States, and the United States. Ever heard of Six Flags, the amusement park? (That's where it gets its' name.)

The King Ranch in Texas is bigger than the state of Rhode Island.

More wool comes from the state of Texas than any other state in the United States.
Texas is the only state to enter the United States by treaty instead of territorial annexation.
Caddo Lake is the only natural lake in the state.

Dr Pepper was invented in Waco in 1885. The Dublin Dr Pepper, 85 miles west of Waco, still uses pure imperial cane sugar in its product. There is no period after the Dr in Dr Pepper.

Texas comes from the Hasinai Indian word tejas meaning friends or allies.

The first word spoken from the moon on July 20, 1969 was Houston.

El Paso is closer to Needles, California than it is to Dallas.

The Flagship Hotel on Seawall Boulevard in Galveston is the only hotel in North America built entirely over the water. 

And my personal favorite:
The state was an independent nation from 1836 to 1845.

You truly can learn something new everyday. I found all of these quite interesting. They were just a few of all the ones that I found. You can find even more online at http://www.50states.com/facts/texas.htm.


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