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Monday, April 4, 2011

Three squirrels?

It was a B-E-A-U-tiful weekend here in Cedar Hill! Many students supported the Knights at one of their three baseball games this weekend. Others took the opportunity to participate in the Photography Scavenger Hunt, hosted by Residence Life.
Some of the items included taking a picture of someone demonstrating Northwood spirit

Spelling out a word using people

Hugging a tree... 
Or making a human pyramid.

Students were given a list of 29 items or situations to take pictures of and one hour to complete the scavenger hunt. Extra points were awarded for creativity and even for creating a presentation of the photos.
And let me tell you, as a judge, I had quite a few laugh-out-loud moments…some of the pictures were incredibly creative and hilarious. For example, the campus is always in an abundance of busy little squirrels. So, one of the items on the list was to take a picture of three squirrels in one frame. Here’s what two of the groups came up with…

Overall, fun was had by all involved. It was a great opportunity for participants to enjoy the lovely weather; have some fun, friendly competition with their friends; and get silly and creative with pictures!

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