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Saturday, April 30, 2011

End of the year!

So we are wrapping up the end of the year. Most students finished their classes last week and have finals next week. And the big event, GRADUATION is Thursday. Unfortunately I am not graduating but one of our student bloggers Melissa will be! Most people are packing up their dorms and moving home for the summer. It is almost officially the start of summer.
One of my friend's things all packed up to move out of her dorm.
Hogwarts! I wish Northwood was like this!
This year has been definitely a year to remember for me! So many memorable experiences that I have had such as all of the organizations that I am involved in and probably one of the best experiences was getting to go to Orlando a few weeks ago for DECA nationals. My partner Natasha and I didn't advance but we took the experience and definitely know what to work on! The highlight of the trip wasn't competition, though it was a great time, it was getting to go to Universal Studios and seeing the Harry Potter part of the park. Experiences such as these are not only available through DECA but offered through Northwood as a whole. A few of my friends got to experience a trip to Belize a few months ago and I know a couple of people that are doing a term in Asia over the summer. Northwood learning goes beyond the classroom and takes you around the world if you take the experience.

As we here at Northwood are wrapping up the end of another awesome year. We wish you a great summer! Be safe and have fun!


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