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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Exciting Reflections from Orlando

Since arriving at Northwood three years ago, I have heard tidbits here and there about something called DECA. Occasionally members would host a bake sale, be seen recruiting members at an Organization’s Fair, or post a flyer announcing a meeting. If you had asked me three years ago if I would be part of Collegiate DECA today, I probably would have given you a look of confusion. However, last week, I attended the 50th International Career Development Conference in Orlando, Florida to compete in Advertising Campaigns.

(Chad Fagan, Paige Eldridge, and Josh Shankle)
Collegiate DECA is an organization that has impacted the lives of many Northwood students. Last year, the organization welcomed Josh Shankle as the International President of Collegiate DECA.  This past week, conference attendees witnessed the final days of Shankle’s presidency and welcomed another one of Northwood’s own, Paige Eldridge, into office. Of nine potential candidates, she was chosen by over 150 delegated representatives from all 50 states, Ontario, British Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Paige follows Josh as the 5th National Officer to come out of Northwood.  

Paige reflected upon the campaign as “the absolute greatest experience of [her] life.” She also added that, “all of the other candidates were extremely talented and competitive, yet still so amazing and supportive of each other. Working with everyone to achieve all of our common goals is going to be so rewarding and I can’t put into words how excited I am to begin this journey!” With a busy year ahead, I know we will see great things from Paige!

As a continuation of my previous DECA blog about the Texas State Conference, my sister, Natasha, and I also attended the conference to compete in Advertising Campaigns. I am honored to say that we placed third out of 55 contestants.  It was such a great experience and a great way to top off our senior year! I know I speak for both Natasha and myself when I say that we were pleasantly surprised by the results, and so grateful for the experience and all of the encouragement we received. 

I only wish I would have had the chance to compete in previous years. Collegiate DECA is such an incredible organization and you truly learn a lot through being involved! As first time participants, my sister and I could not believe the caliber of talent brought by the other competitors, as well as the overall dedication, organization, and intensity that is engrained in each student involved in DECA. 
(Myself and Natasha along with Brandon Mason and Wally Trejo, who made Top 12 for their division)
But we would not have been able to compete without the help of our amazing advertising professor and mentor, Jack Allday. Professor Allday supported us all throughout the process and guided us as we worked through developing the campaign. We are so blessed to be working with such a generous and talented teacher. He has truly made an impact in our academic careers, and surely our professional careers beyond Northwood!


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