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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Giving Back to Northwood!!

     Last night, I was able to accompany one of the admission’s counselors to Whitesboro High School for a college fair! Our table stood there among dozens of other universities, including Sam Houston State University, Texas A&M Commerce, University of Texas, and even the United States Marines. I always have so much fun interacting with the students and telling them about the unique qualities of Northwood!

     As I mentioned above, I went to the fair with a counselor, Phylecia Boomhower. Did you know she was once a student at Northwood, too?? And quite an accomplished one at that!! Before we ventured out on the long drive to Whitesboro, I was admiring all of her acknowledgements and awards displayed in her office. Most people are just proud to hang their diploma! Along with being Valedictorian of her Associate’s Degree, Phylecia also received two awards recognizing her outstanding EXCEL participation and her excellence in Banking and Finance! (I think there was even another award in there too!) 

     As my graduation and honor’s convocation approach, I can only I hope I achieve a small portion of what she did during her time at Northwood. Between EXCEL, Student Government, Royal Ambassadors, CAB, and many other organizations, there are always opportunities to give back. But what always amazes me is that while giving back, you always seem to receive something in return! Whether it is simply an overwhelming feeling of joy or accomplishment, or learning a valuable new skill, contributing is always a win-win. 


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