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Daryl Vara

Hey guys! My name is Daryl and I am a Freshman this year at Northwood University, I am Originally from El Paso Texas, but being an Army brat I have traveled a bit. The most significant places I've lived include three years in Germany, a summer in Italy, three in Alaska, three in Oklahoma, and my High School years back in El Paso before I came out here to Northwood -my parents tell me there was also some time in France, but I guess I was too young to remember. I am involved in Collegiate DECA here and I currently work both as a Student Recruiter and on this website as a Student Blogger. Well I am really excited about this blog. There's so much Northwood has to offer here at the Texas campus and I can't wait to tell you about it!

- Daryl

PS: LOOK IT'S KIRBY>:D (click the link)


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