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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Skating for a Good Cause!

(Competition got pretty intense!)
With Thanksgiving in the past and Christmas just around the corner, it was time for Northwood’s annual Ice Skating Party! Dozens of students came out to The Parks Mall in Arlington yesterday for a late night skate.  The rink was filled with fun, as students competed in broom ball and laps around the rink. (Those Canadians sure can skate fast!!)
(Ice skating!!)
While eating dinner in the cafeteria, the upcoming ice skating event was the talk of the table. I can’t even remember all the people who expressed their excitement, as well as their fears of falling and making a fool of themselves! (I will say – there were some pretty intense wipe-outs!!)  Who knew ice was so slippery?

But aside from all the fun that was experienced, students were also able to contribute to two great causes. Christmas cards were available for students to embellish with encouragement and holiday wishes for soldiers. In addition, admission to the event was a $5 donation, which is going to be used to help fund a Kid’s Christmas Party. This is an annual event thrown by the Texas Student Government Association for the children of Kids College. We will be hosting it Saturday – so look for another upcoming blog reporting all of the afternoon’s festivities!!  

(Some students from the SGA)

I hope this blog will inspire you to get out on the rink this holiday season! Every year I forget just how much fun ice skating can be.

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