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Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Hello Faithful readers!

Sorry I have not been posting in a while as It has been a crazy month! Its funny how everything just seems to happen all at once! I am going to tell you about the Leadership Retreat I went on at the beginning of the month just to catch you up. We traveled south to Bastrop, TX where we were invited to a ranch and got to mingle with some cattle :). It was a great trip! We learned about team work, working with different personalities, had an opportunity to understand ourselves better, and participated in team building activities. This was definitely a great opportunity that we had and I encourage all of you to take advantage of any and all opportunities you can! When we arrived, we were greeted with some lunch and went straight into our workshops. The ranch was decorated with Christmas all around so it was a beautiful country scene. Great to get away and get to know some fellow classmates. We got a tour of the ranch, received really good business advice and lessons, and just some good southern hospitality once again. There was nothing but 500 acres of land and wide open spaces

Alyssa and I on the fence at the ranch.

 This is a picture of how wide open and nice out it was. There were a lot of cows grazing through the grass!
Daryl Caught a fish while we were fishing in one of the 5 ponds on the ranch.

I caught a fish but it was so small I'm not going to show you. haha!

Pedro befriending a cow.

These are just a couple photos of what we did in our free time. It was a great weekend. I learned alot about myself and other personalities. I learned how people need to learn to work together and what kind of leader I am. I also set new goals and had a chance to review what I have done the last couple of weeks. It was a really great opportunity.

I will check in with you all soon!


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