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Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Dynamic Duo!

This past weekend, my sister (Natasha) and I competed in the Texas Collegiate DECA conference! There are not many places where you will see college students confidently wearing suits, making business proposals, and competing with their persuasive words, thoughts, and ideas. The three days of this conference served as my first exposure to this organization at the college level, and I will say it was a memorable one! 

(Me and my sister, Natasha)

You may wonder why I, as a senior, have just decided to begin my DECA journey. Well, it was actually an opportunity that emerged from my Advertising Campaigns class I took during the fall semester. Professor Allday suggested that Natasha and I use the campaign we developed and put it to use!! So we did. 

Throughout the fall, we diligently spent our class hours developing the campaign for Tim Hortons, a fast-casual restaurant that is extremely popular in Canada and several northern U.S. states. Our presentation included a prospectus that outlined the entire project, including our campaign objective, primary and secondary target markets, our creative pieces (including outdoor boards, print, television, radio, guerrilla, and new media!), a budget, and a media schedule! Whew! 

The conference was held in downtown Dallas at the Crowne Plaza hotel and El Centro College. We were able to polish off our dining manners on Thursday night at an etiquette dinner, where we also began the networking adventure of meeting students from many other schools in Texas. The next day was very full, consisting of several fun leadership and team-building activities in the morning, and a tour of the Six Floor Museum (a museum in memory of former president John F. Kennedy) in the afternoon!

(Paige Eldridge, Natasha Elder, Christen Noble, and I at the Six Floor museum!)
But the real DECA action began Saturday morning, as each student proceeded to the college for their various competitions. Whether it was a case study involving Hospitality and Tourism, or a prepared event such as Advertising Campaigns, students presented before judges all morning long. 

Natasha and I were so eager to present our ideas about our beloved Canadian restaurant. With our portfolio full of laminated creative ideas in one hand, and notes in the other, we marched into the conference room to stand before our judge. A very enthused and kind gentleman, our judge LOVED the ideas! He gave us some great feedback, and somehow managed to guess that we were related… 

(All the Northwood students that participated in the competition!!)
But, I am excited to say that the next step is nationals in Orlando, Florida! So…ICDC, here we come! 

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