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Monday, December 13, 2010

F A L L semester wrap-up!

Hey everyone! It’s Erica here. :) Before I start my blog, I’d like to apologize for not updating! Melissa’s been doing a great job of posting what’s been going on around Northwood. Sorry I’ve been absent on the blog. Between the last week of school and finals, then finally being on new schedule for Christmas break, it’s been pretty hectic.

But now I’m finallyyyy relaxing! So let the blogging continue!

I’ve been out of school since Tuesday; and every day, I’ve been obsessively checking Blackboard to see if my finals grades are up. While two of them have yet to post officially, I know that I’ve gotten three As, and two A-. So I’m really excited about that!

This semester was really hectic. I had two part-time jobs: working in the Admissions Office and blogging. I continued being a part of Green Group (this year, I’m the Secretary), while being active in Royal Ambassadors. I gave my first official tour of the school. I did some volunteering for various events, including Mock DECA, Distinguished Women, and the annual Special Olympics dinner. All of this happened while I was taking five classes: Creativity, Sanitation, Business Law, Human Resource Management, and Financial Management.
So while I always had something to do, I was really excited to be busy. I’m not going to lie: things get stressful. But looking back, everything I did was an experience that has helped me grow.

Some word of advice: BE ACTIVE IN SCHOOL. Not only will you probably meet new people and gain some good friends, but it’ll prepare you to be a little more social in college. Also, you can find the college-level of many of your high-school clubs. For example, if you’re in DECA in high school, you can join College DECA. Some colleges even have BPA; and, of course, if you are in Student Council, you can look into joining Student Government. It’s all about really networking. If you get the chance to tour Northwood, ask the students about the organizations. Most of us are involved in a club in some way or another, so we can definitely give you our perspectives on them.

So, as you can tell, this blog was a little bit more about housekeeping. I hope it gave you guys a good overall view of my semester. I’ll be posting a print screen of my final grades soon, to prove that if you work hard, you can get As. I know some kids are just really nervous about their GPA dropping or about doing bad… but you just have to apply yourself and work hard!

Oh, and here’s a few pictures… they are of my planner, which has become my best friend.

September 2010.

October 2010.

November 2010.

I didn't put December up there simply because I was only at school for two weeks.. it wasn't too busy. It was stressful, though! :P I was finishing up projects, and having my finals.

More advice! Buy a planner! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve nearly forgotten something until I looked in my planner. Most of the time, I would looked at it carefully on Sunday night, so I could know if something was coming up that Monday. I can’t tell you how many times this saved me! :)

Talk to you all soon!

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