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Friday, November 5, 2010

Trick or treat!

Every year at Northwood, we participate in Trick or Treat for Unicef. (Selena Gomez is a huge celeb advocate of Unicef.) This year, our newest fraternity Phi Beta Chi led the charge for the event.

At our last open-meeting for the Student Government Association, their president told us they’d raised about $250. :) (Just 6 cents provides water for one thirsty kid, and $45 provides school supplies to 20 kids!) This isn’t all, though! There were various people who picked up a box on their own. They’re due on Monday, so I’ll let you all know how much we raised as soon as I know!

There was more than one way to Trick or Treat for Unicef. In addition to the boxes they hand out for the money, the school also had two other things up their sleeve. The first was for students. If they donated at least five dollars, they were allowed to wear their Halloween costumes to school that Thursday before Halloween weekend. For faculty/staff, they were allowed to wear jeans to work that day. (Staff is always in professional dress, so jeans – for them – is a treat!)

Here is one of our students, Janice Floyd, in her costume! Janice is a member of the Student Government Association, and the one who thought of this idea for Halloween costumes!

(This is Janice with our EXCEL director, Dalia Arellano.)

Remember: you can turn any opportunity into a chance to help out others and have some fun along the way! Have a great weekend… and check out a new blog soon about my participation at the Northwood Distinguished Women’s event this weekend. (I got to hang at the Ritz-Carlton in Dallas and I got free valet! Sweet deal.)

-Erica :)

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