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Monday, October 4, 2010

Homecoming Week!

Hey everyone! I’m honored to be the first person to blog on the new Northwood University-Texas blog. If you want to know a little more about me, check out my tab at the top of the site. Just click “Erica Garcia” to read some more info about me!

Now, let’s get down to business! This past week was Homecoming Week on the Texas campus.

Each day, we got to dress up differently. The week included everything from Nerd Day to Pajama Day. Pajama Day was definitely my favorite! Any day that I can literally roll out of bed, put on shoes and a hoodie, and go to school- that’s what I call a good day!

On Friday, we had a carnival on campus. I actually brought my nephew, and he thoroughly enjoyed the free pizza and giant tricycle racing. :)

To wrap up Homecoming Week, we had our seventh annual Crossing Over ceremony on Saturday evening. I got to cross over for the third time, earning my Knights pin!

Unlike last year, it did NOT rain! On behalf of every single person at Crossing Over, I can say that we were so thankful for that. We were able to take our picture outside in our campus’ amphitheater… (Because of the rain, we were forced inside one of our buildings last year! That was certainly an adventure.)

I can’t believe I’m already a junior in college. These last couple years have just flown by, but I can’t wait for what’s next. I can tell that this year is going to be the busiest thus far, but it will probably be just as amazing. Oh, and can I just go ahead and mention how excited I am for you all to go through it with me? :)


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