It’s almost that time again! Yes, I’m talking about SPRING BREAK!
I can practically see the light at the end of this week’s tunnel! Northwood’s official spring break begins on Monday, March 7th and continues throughout that week. So we will be back in school on Monday, March 14th.
But there are a few things that are in between that glorious last day of class and myself!
- Meetings, meetings, meetings!
- Management quiz.
- Ethics test.
- Career/Job fair.
- Classes and work as scheduled.
I love being busy, but why does it have to be the week before spring break?! I think the switch from terms to semesters has been hard on some of us, especially those juniors who had gotten used to Northwood’s terms.
There have been plenty of pros to this switch, though! For one, our winter break was one month long. It was amazing. And second, we are now buying books twice a year, instead of three times!
Everything takes some time to get used to, and this is just one of those things.
But back to the point: s p r i n g b r e a k.
I’m positive that I’m not the only one excited for this. I’m also positive that I’m not the only one that plans on sleeping in as much as possible!
During my spring break in high school, I think I visited a few colleges. Now that I’m in college… well, that’s not really an option because I don’t plan on going to another school in the near future. But this can still be an option for you!
If you don’t have plans already or if you have narrowed your college choices down, go visit the schools! There is nothing like stepping onto a busy, buzzing college campus for the first time. It’s wonderful and so eye-opening!
When you guys get out of school on the 14th, I’ll be back on campus, back to the usual routine of classes and work and meetings and homework. But I hope to see some of you visiting there! If you wanna talk, just ask one of the counselors to find me! To sign up for our myMonday (which is that Monday most of you are on spring break), sign up here: myMonday sign up!
Until then, take a moment or two to leave a comment with your spring break plans! Anything fun? Excited? College visits, maybe? Yes? Yes, sounds great! :)
I’ll update sometime next week to tell you about the amazing times that are sleeping until noon and not having homework!
Just a friendly reminder:
The sooner you fill it out, the more of a chance you have for grants & "free" money from the government. Also, a FAFSA is necessary to receive other scholarships from Northwood. :)