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Sunday, November 27, 2011


Hello there readers! 
Jessica and I enjoying a Delicious Meal!
This is my first blog from Northwood so you are in for a little treat! I will be giving you the foreigner view of school and maybe a little about America. So if you are not from Dallas or even the North Texas area, I will give you a little insight.

Now that my intro is finished I will tell you about my Thanksgiving!! This is the first time I had gone to someones house for a traditional Thanksgiving. One of my generous classmates invited me to her home so I wouldn't have to stay on campus alone for the holiday. Let me tell you, if you are worried about not meeting people or being alone at college, Northwood is the place for you. The people are friendly and they are always willing to help you out. Within the first couple of weeks I had many offers for Thanksgiving so that I wouldn't be alone. My Thanksgiving was quite exciting. A couple close family members of my classmate really made me feel welcome. My favorite thing is to hear what people think about different topics so I spent my dinner talking to my friend's uncle about the health care policies and government. It really opens your eyes up to what it is like to be an American. There are stereotypes in every country and I like to find the truth and really get to know people. This was a perfect opportunity! Plus nothing beats the cooking in the south. :) I am truly thankful for the Lacks for inviting me into there home and being so sweet. I truly had a great couple of days.
Black Friday Shopping

On Friday after Thanksgiving, I decided to spend the weekend with my other friend Christen. We went out shopping! For those of you who are not aware, Black Friday is the day when everyone goes out at ridiculous hours of the morning to wait all night to be first in to a store to buy items extremely cheap! I got a fleece jacket for $5 dollars... however I did not wait in line :). I spent time getting to know Christen's family. Her Grandparents invited other families for a potluck just outside of the city. It was great to feel so welcomed and have such a great time. It made me really miss my family and makes me anticipate my trip home even more! I can't wait and I thank all the people who have made my first Thanksgiving holiday that much more special!
Christen and I made some decorative crafts after a family meal.
This was a great break and well needed. I look forward to more adventures and meeting more people here in Texas. People truly make you feel welcome even if you are so far away from home. There has been no greater definition of the phrase Southern Hospitality then this past week. I am thankful for the traditions I have learned and the people I have met and I cant wait for the exciting months coming up!

Talk to you soon!

- NiK

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