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Friday, September 30, 2011

Homecoming Week

Homecoming at Northwood can get pretty interesting. There was a different activity going on each night and they are a little crazy!

On Wednesday we had the Greek Games! This consisted of basketball, volleyball and a tug o' war challenge between the two fraternities on campus. Everyone had a blast and the Greek organizations were able to recruit some members to rush. 

My sorority Zeta Phi! 
Beta Phi Chi and Kappa Theta tug o' war challenge. Kappa Theta won!

Thursday was the first jalapeno and pie eating contest. I wasn't able to attend but from what I heard it was pretty intense. The winner ate 7 jalapenos in a minute. I don't know how that was possible but what a champ!

Tonight we had a "paint rave" dance party. There was a DJ and  glow in the dark paint was everywhere. I am a person that hates to get dirty so it was really hard for me to accept getting paint everywhere!

Nicola obviously had a great time!
Homecoming week is just an example of why it is IMPOSSIBLE to get bored at Northwood. There is always some event going on and we tend to have tons of fun! There was also dress up days for each day of school this week.

Overall homecoming is always a fun filled week with a lot of events! I definitely had a blast!

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