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Monday, August 29, 2011

First days and free stuff

Welcome back to the Northwood blog!

Classes officially commenced today on the Texas campus, and it was great to see everyone! It was even more exciting to be able to say this is my last first day of school - at least for my undergrad degree!

So much has changed on campus. Our newest dorms, Knight's Cove, are now complete and have residents. There have also been some changes around the landscape in front of Hopkins. Also, the Cafe is going through some renovations with a new serving line and the Student Government Association was able to finally show off their newest project: the renovated Butler porch!

The new Butler porch!

I had two classes today, and I was able to enjoy a free meal in the Cafe in Lambert Commons.

So healthy! :P

Oh, and let's not forget my free Redbull from the bookstore!

This is the reason why I'm still awake and so hyper right now.
This year is already turning out to be super busy! In Professor Lansing's class, we discussed all of our special events for the year. Everyone, get ready for Founders' Day and Iron Knights! It's gonna be EVEN BETTER than last year!

Again, I'll be working in Admissions and blogging for Northwood. This is in addition to classes and other organizations I'm participating in. I'm the Vice President of Royal Ambassadors this year, so I hope to see some of you at college fairs and presentations!

Hope everyone's first days are turning out to be fantastic!


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